We are pleased to provide the bus schedules and routes for the South Shore Charter Public School for the upcoming school year. The following information is for families who have completed the school transportation survey and have indicated their student will be participating in school provided transportation. School transportation is provided for students residing in our sending districts. Students residing in other districts may be placed on a waitlist upon request. Included is the following information:
Bus Schedules & Routes | 2022-2023 School Year AM & PM BUS ROUTES ROUTE 1: BROCKTON AM 7:18 AM - START: Oak Hill Way 7:28 AM - STOP: Stop-n-Shop (Montello St.) 7:34 AM - STOP: Price Right Parking Lot (240 E Ashland St.) 8:00 AM - DESTINATION: South Shore Charter School PM 2:45 PM - ARRIVE: South Shore Charter School 3:00 PM - START: South Shore Charter School 3:24 PM - STOP: Stop-n-Shop (Montello St.) 3:31 PM - DESTINATION: Price Right Parking Lot (240 E Ashland St.) ROUTE 2: BROCKTON - ABINGTON AM 7:25 AM - START: Oak Hill Way 7:36 AM - STOP: Bedford & Auburn St. (Brockton) 7:45 AM - STOP: Trucchi's Market (858 Bedford St. Abington) 8:00 AM - DESTINATION: South Shore Charter School PM 2:45 PM - ARRIVE: South Shore Charter School 3:00 PM - START: South Shore Charter School 3:12 PM - STOP: Trucchi's Market (858 Bedford St. Abington) 3:20 PM - END: Bedford & Auburn St. (Brockton) ROUTE 3: BROCKTON AM 7:17 AM - START: Oak Hill Way 7:25 AM - STOP: West Branch Library (Feinberg Way) 7:35 AM - STOP: Home Depot Parking Lot (Crescent St.) 8:00 AM - DESTINATION: South Shore Charter School PM 2:45 PM - ARRIVE: South Shore Charter School 3:00 PM - START: South Shore Charter School 3:20 PM - STOP: Home Depot Parking Lot (Crescent St.) 3:32 PM - END: West Branch Library (Feinberg Way) ROUTE 4: HANSON - HANOVER AM 7:10 AM - START: Oak Hill Way 7:30 AM - STOP: Hanson Commuter Rail (1070 Main St. Hanson) 7:46 AM - STOP: Boston Bowl (58 Rockland St. Hanover) 8:00 AM - DESTINATION: South Shore Charter School PM 2:45 PM - ARRIVE: South Shore Charter School 3:00 PM - START: South Shore Charter School 3:10 PM - STOP: Boston Bowl (58 Rockland St. Hanover) 3:30 PM - END: Hanson Commuter Rail (1070 Main St. Hanson) ROUTE 5: WEYMOUTH - NORWELL AM 7:17 AM - START: Oak Hill Way 7:40 AM - STOP: Starbucks Parking Lot (980 Main St. Weymouth) 7:53 AM - STOP: Pond St. @ Nelson Rd. (Norwell) 8:00 AM - DESTINATION: South Shore Charter School PM 2:45 PM - ARRIVE: South Shore Charter School 3:00 PM - START: South Shore Charter School 3:06 PM - STOP: Pond St. @ Nelson Rd. (Norwell) 3:16 PM - END: Starbucks Parking Lot (980 Main St. Weymouth) ROUTE 6: WEYMOUTH AM 7:00 AM - START: Oak Hill Way 7:27 AM - STOP: 580 Middle St. 7:37 AM - STOP: 645 Bridge St. 8:00 AM - DESTINATION: South Shore Charter School PM 2:45 PM - ARRIVE: South Shore Charter School 3:00 PM - START: South Shore Charter School 3:10 PM - STOP: 580 Middle St. 3:21 PM - END: 645 Bridge St. ROUTE 7: WEYMOUTH AM 7:10 AM - START: Oak Hill Way 7:42 AM - STOP: Immaculate Conception Church (Broad St.) 8:00 AM - DESTINATION: South Shore Charter School PM 2:45 PM - ARRIVE: South Shore Charter School 3:00 PM - START: South Shore Charter School 3:12 PM - END: Immaculate Conception Church (Broad St.) ROUTE 8: RANDOLPH - HOLBROOK - WEYMOUTH AM 6:51 AM - START: Oak Hill Way 7:19 AM - STOP: 7-Eleven (671 North St. Randolph) 7:34 AM - STOP: The Brook Kitchen (200 S Franklin St. Holbrook) 7:47 AM - STOP: Trotter Rd. & Patriot Parkway (Weymouth) 8:00 AM - DESTINATION: South Shore Charter School PM 2:45 PM - ARRIVE: South Shore Charter School 3:00 PM - START: South Shore Charter School 3:11 PM - STOP: Trotter Rd. & Patriot Parkway (Weymouth) 3:26 PM - STOP: The Brook Kitchen (200 S Franklin St. Holbrook) 3:36 PM - END: 7-Eleven (671 North St. Randolph) ROUTE 9: RANDOLPH - BROCKTON AM 7:01 AM - START: Oak Hill Way 7:18 AM - STOP: Walmart (Oak St. Brockton) 7:32 AM - STOP: Dollar Tree (Condlin Dr. Randolph) 8:00 AM - DESTINATION: South Shore Charter School PM 2:45 PM - ARRIVE: South Shore Charter School 3:00 PM - START: South Shore Charter School 3:23 PM - STOP: Dollar Tree (Condlin Dr. Randolph) 3:40 PM - END: Walmart (Oak St. Brockton) ROUTE 10: RANDOLPH AM 7:10 AM - START: Oak Hill Way 7:31 AM - STOP: Shaw's Supermarket (121 Memorial Pkwy) 8:00 AM - DESTINATION: South Shore Charter School PM 2:45 PM - ARRIVE: South Shore Charter School 3:00 PM - START: South Shore Charter School 3:23 PM - END: Shaw's Supermarket (121 Memorial Pkwy) ROUTE 11: RANDOLPH AM 7:09 AM - START: Oak Hill Way 7:37 AM - STOP: Vincente's Parking Lot (Scanlon Dr. Lot) 8:00 AM - DESTINATION: South Shore Charter School PM 2:45 PM - ARRIVE: South Shore Charter School 3:00 PM - START: South Shore Charter School 3:17 PM - END: Vincente's Parking Lot (Scanlon Dr. Lot) ROUTE 12: PLYMOUTH - PEMBROKE AM 7:23 AM - START: Market Basket (1 Commerce Way, Plymouth) 7:34 AM - STOP: Jones River Tavern (Pembroke) 8:00 AM - DESTINATION: South Shore Charter School PM 2:45 PM - ARRIVE: South Shore Charter School 3:00 PM - START: South Shore Charter School 3:26 PM - STOP: Jones River Tavern (Pembroke) 3:37 PM - END: Market Basket (1 Commerce Way, Plymouth) ROUTE 13: QUINCY - WEYMOUTH AM 6:49 AM - START: Oak Hill Way 7:24 AM - STOP: Stop-n-Shop Parking Lot (Holbrook Rd. Quincy) 7:32 AM - STOP: Home Depot Parking Lot (Centre St. Quincy) 7:42 AM - STOP: Weymouth Landing Commuter Rail (East Braintree) 8:00 AM - DESTINATION: South Shore Charter School PM 2:45 PM - ARRIVE: South Shore Charter School 3:00 PM - START: South Shore Charter School 3:31 PM - STOP: Weymouth Landing Commuter Rail (East Braintree) 3:41 PM - STOP: Home Depot Parking Lot (Centre St. Quincy) 3:49 PM - END: Stop-n-Shop Parking Lot (Holbrook Rd. Quincy) ROUTE 14: SCITUATE - HULL AM 7:26 AM - START: Greenbush Commuter Rail (247 Old Driftway, Scituate) 7:39 AM - STOP: Nantucket Junction Commuter Rail (190 Summer St. Hingham) 7:51 AM - STOP: South Elementary School Parking Lot (831 Main St. Hingham) 8:00 AM - DESTINATION: South Shore Charter School PM 2:45 PM - ARRIVE: South Shore Charter School 3:00 PM - START: South Shore Charter School 3:07 PM - STOP: South Elementary School Parking Lot (831 Main St. Hingham) 3:18 PM - STOP: Nantucket Junction Commuter Rail (190 Summer St. Hingham) 3:32 PM - END: Greenbush Commuter Rail (247 Old Driftway, Scituate) ROUTE 15: ROCKLAND AM 7:13 AM - START: Oak Hill Way 7:44 AM - STOP: Rockland Plaza Parking Lot (Union St. across from Dunkin') 8:00 AM - DESTINATION: South Shore Charter School PM 2:45 PM - ARRIVE: South Shore Charter School 3:00 PM - START: South Shore Charter School 3:10 PM - END: Rockland Plaza Parking Lot (Union St. across from Dunkin') Bus Drop-Off Procedures
Bus Safety Bus Stop Safety Reminders
Procedures for Drivers, Parents and Guardians
Loading and Unloading at Bus Stop
Required Conduct aboard the Bus
To ensure the safety of all students who ride in buses, it may occasionally be necessary to revoke the privilege of transportation from a student who abuses this privilege. Parents/guardians of children whose behavior and misconduct on school buses endangers the health, safety, and welfare of other riders will be notified that their children face the loss of transportation privileges in accordance with regulations approved by the Board of Trustees. These regulations will be included in the SSCPS Student and Family Handbook which will be sent to families next week. Families must sign either electronically or on paper indicating that the regulations contained in the Student and Family Handbook have been received and read. Thank you for your response and your continued support of the South Shore Charter Public School. Dear SSCPS Families,
We will be hosting a Zoom information session for families directly impacted by the end of FCC Transportation. The meeting login information is provided below: Topic: Family Transportation Meeting Time: May 5, 2022 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86429505193?pwd=cHVTWVhQbDE5YUdYbDB5WDRtVVNtQT09 Meeting ID: 864 2950 5193 Passcode: 343349 One tap mobile +19292056099,,86429505193#,,,,*343349# US (New York) +13017158592,,86429505193#,,,,*343349# US (Washington DC) Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 864 2950 5193 Passcode: 343349 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kHl55x50O Thank you. -- Alicia E. Savage Executive Director South Shore Charter Public School 781.982.4202 Ext. 101 www.sscps.org Dear SSCPS Families,
It is with deep regret that I write to you today about a loss to our school community. Susan Knineh, bus driver and owner of the FCC Transportation Company, died unexpectedly yesterday. Susan had a longstanding relationship with our school both as a parent and as the owner of the transportation service so many families have relied upon over the years. Today will be the final run of the FCC bus. Please keep Susan and her family in your thoughts during this difficult time. This loss is sure to raise many emotions, concerns, and questions for our entire school, especially our students. The South Shore Charter Public School has a Crisis Intervention Team made up of professionals trained to help with the needs of students, families, and school personnel at difficult times such as this. We have counselors available for any student who may need or want help of any type of assistance surrounding this loss. Counselors will be available to students tomorrow morning and throughout the day. We encourage you, as family members, to also feel free to contact us if you need support. Linked below please find some additional information from The Children's Room that may be useful to you when discussing grief with your child at home. If you would like additional information or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of our school's administration directly. Sincerely, Alicia How Can I Help My Grieving Child Talking with Children and Teens About Death Helping Children and Teens Cope -- Alicia E. Savage Executive Director South Shore Charter Public School 781.982.4202 Ext. 101 www.sscps.org Dear SSCPS Families,
We have received notification from the Facebook page that there are some questions regarding bus services for next year. We will be providing updates on school bus transportation over the next few days. There have also been some questions pertaining to remote learning Fridays. The last remote learning Friday will be on March 26, 2021. We will adjust the school calendar accordingly. Fridays will remain half days (8:15-12:05) until further notice. As a reminder, there will be no school next Wednesday, March 17 as it is a Faculty Professional Development Day and there will be no school on Friday, April 2. Have a good evening. Sincerely, Alicia -- Alicia E. Savage Executive Director South Shore Charter Public School 781.982.4202 Ext. 101 www.sscps.org |
September 2023