Dear Families, This school year the South Shore Charter Public School will continue to use SchoolPass to facilitate dismissal. SchoolPass is a communication tool that allows families to sign a child in late, dismiss a child early, and change dismissal plans using a simple phone app. The app also facilitates an efficient dismissal process directly from classrooms. This year families will not be required to complete daily wellness checks using the app. SchoolPass sent activation emails to our families last week. The email included account information and instructions for activating your account. Please take a minute to set up your account as soon as possible. Please ignore the “pickup location” field. All K-8 students will be picked up at 100 Longwater Circle and all high school students will be picked up at the high school. Once the account has been created, you can download the SchoolPass app on your phone. The registered parent will be able to add other adults that are authorized to pick up. You are able to change dismissal plans directly through the app or the website. More information about the SchoolPass app can be found here. A video explaining the process is available here. Use the password +9GHLACR to access this short training. We will be using the SchoolPass app to run dismissal at both buildings beginning tomorrow. You will click “Pick Up” once you are on campus to notify your child’s teacher that you have arrived. Please wait to click the "Pick Up" button until directed to do so by a staff member. This will help us stagger the timing of students coming out to their cars. This system is new to many of our families and we understand that not everyone will be able to use it immediately. We appreciate that there is a learning curve with any new system and will work with families to make it work. Thank you for your patience as we work to get SchoolPass up and running! Sincerely, Angie -- Angie Pepin Principal, K-12 South Shore Charter Public School 781-982-4202 x102 Comments are closed.
September 2023